Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"HANSON: 21 Years Of Music" available to download for free!!

Yes! You read well, a new promotional mini-album has been released, and Noisetrade gives us the chance to download it for free! If you want to support the band you can also tip them from $1 up to $25 (that's optional). What are you waiting for?? Click that button and don't forget to spread the word!


1. Tonight (full studio version)
2. Thinking 'Bout Somethin' (live)
3. Every Word I Say (live)
4. A Song To Sing (live)
5. Hand In Hand (live)

Source: Noisetrade


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hanson on Mixtape Festival 2013

The biggest pop music festival of the USA returns in 2013, according to the most recent announcements on "On Air With Ryan Seacrest", and HANSON will take part of it along with bands such as NKOTB, Train, The Script, Jonas Brothers, OneRepublic, Boyz II Men, and many more. The event will happen on July 26-27 in Hershey Pennsylvania. You can get your tickets to Mixtape Festival on Friday, May 10 starting at 7 a.m. PST/ 10 a.m. EST here.

Source: ryanseacrest.com

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hanson en Argentina


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Para HANSON, su sexto álbum de estudio ANTHEM marca el comienzo de su tercera década de hacer música juntos.

Durante sus primeros 20 años, los hermanos Isaac, Taylor y Zac Hanson han dejado su huella. Cinco años construyendo una base de fans como una banda independiente llevó a un ascenso meteórico en 1997 con MMMBop, el exitoso hit de su álbum debut “Middle Of Nowhere”. Esto siguió con una larga lista de hits, cuatro álbumes de estudio, varias nominaciones al Grammy y más de 16 millones de discos vendidos. Durante su segunda década, la banda trazó su propio camino con un sello independiente manteniendo una conexión con sus fans, y en 2007 lanzó una campaña centrada en el alivio del SIDA en África (TakeTheWalk.net).

Su sexto álbum de estudio, ANTHEM, celebra el poder de la música para encender la pasión y unir a la gente. "Siempre hemos estado viendo la capacidad que tiene la música de involucrar a la gente, si se trata de una canción que te hace querer bailar, o una canción que inspira a tomar acción para una causa. Queremos que este disco sea el himno para todos esos momentos ", dice Taylor.

Tras dos años de giras sin parar con su quinto álbum de estudio Shout It Out, decidieron reagrupar a su base de operaciones en Oklahoma para dar forma al sonido y la imagen para el álbum que marcaría una nueva era para la banda. Durante el verano de 2012, la música que comenzó a desarrollarse fue infundido con nueva energía, produciendo una melódica tour de force. Para empezar a grabar ANTHEM, que está producido y escrito exclusivamente por la banda, volvieron a estudios Sonic Ranch, un lugar de miles de hectáreas de bosques de nogales y desierto que les presentó una importante distracción. Allí grabaron el disco a la manera antigua, en vivo, en una habitación.

Desde el blues de ampollas riff de guitarra de "Fired Up", con el poder intimidante de "You Can´t Stop Us” y las ranuras de imparables 'I´ve Got Soul' y 'Tragic Symphony”', el oyente es impulsado por la alta energía y la fuerza de la música. El álbum también continúa con las armonías vocales de la banda y las influencias eclécticas, con la guitarra pop impulsado como 'Cut Right Through Me” a través de mí "y" Scream and Be Free”, así como con la inocencia romántica de" Lost Without You'. Hay un guiño a las baladas de poder, con Isaac el centro del escenario en la voz principal con "For Your Love" y Zac llevar la angustia fascinante de "Save Me From Myself", que cuenta cono Yuri Lemeshev de Gogol Bordello en el acordeón.

"El sonido de este disco toca en la mayoría de nuestras influencias musicales, un poco de soul, un poco de la canción de artesanía y una buena pasada de moda de rock 'n' roll ... esta vez sólo tiene un poco más de lucha en ella ", dice Isaac.

El primer single del álbum "Get The Girl Back' enciende una luz brillante en su mayor influencia, 60'soul y el rock' n 'roll, y que viene de ruptura de los altavoces desde el primer tiempo.

El video, una historia narrativa que cuenta la banda tocando en un club lleno mientras que las relaciones de los personajes giran en torno a ellos, presenta un elenco de sus amigos encabezados por la actriz / escritora Nikki Reed (Thirteen) y Kat Dennings (2 Broke Girls, Thor), Drake Bell (Drake & Josh ), Paul McDonald (American Idol), de Drew Seeley (Another Cinderella Story), y el recién llegado Alex Beh. "También tiene ese ambiente de un gran show de rock sudoroso en el que te gustaría estar", dice Taylor. "El video invita a la gente en el primer capítulo de una historia que esperamos que inspira a todos los que quieran quedarse por más", dice Zac. Los amigos de HANSON, Michael 'Fitz' Fitzpatrick y Joe Karnes, de la banda indie de L.A, se unieron a ellos en "Get The Girl Back '. "Es difícil encontrar bandas cuyo sonido y estética es similar a la nuestra", dice Taylor, "Pero nos conectamos en el amor por el de los 60 y el pop".

Además, el registro cuenta con las colaboraciones de  Tom "Bones" Malone (Blues Brothers Band, la banda de David Letterman y el líder de la banda en Saturday Night Live), que contribuyó con los vientos en  'I´ve Got Soul' y en 'Get So Low " e Imani Coppola quien añadió cuerdas para “Tragic Symphony”, destacando la influencia del clásico Michael Jackson. La banda también se reunió con el reconocido ingeniero de mezcla Tom Lord-Alge, que ha mezclado sus dos primeros álbumes de estudio más importantes.

Cada álbum tiene una historia, un patrón de influencias que se unen para crear una pieza. En el caso de ANTHEM, la mayor parte de la historia es el elemento de HANSON que siempre ha sido fundamental para su éxito - su dedicación y pasión por alcanzar lo mejor, por su música y sus fans. Para esta banda su himno es la melodía, la pasión y la convicción de mantener el rumbo con su música y con sus fieles seguidores.

source: Ticketek Argentina

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Taylor Hanson Talks "MMMBop" History, His No. 1 Tour Bus Necessity (english/español)

By Stephanie Webber

It's hard to write or even interview a member from Hanson without thinking of the still very catchy tune "MMMBop" that was released back on April 17 1997. So—because of the difficulty—it was included in part of the chat I recently had with Taylor Hanson, which just so happened to take place one day before the 16thanniversary of when the titled album was first released. During our chat, the 30-year-old gave me a behind-the-scenes look on what he always needs while out on tour, his favorite songs the group has created, and what he and his brothers Zac and Isaac like to do when they aren't in the studio or on the road.

Hanson heads out on a world tour for their latest Anthem album in June. 

You are headed on tour soon! How's it been managing all of your schedules?
It's great! We are just getting off the ground with a new album. The new single just came out and on we go. It's like a military operation! [Laughs]

You've been in the music industry for over 20 years. What's the No. 1 favorite item you need on your tour bus?
I'm kind of a coffee obsessed person. So like getting the right coffee in each city. I will venture out. I'm a big foodie too and try to check out the different foods in each town. So good coffee—anything that's strong flavor in the food department. I like fine cheese too.

You and your brothers are clearly known for "MMMBop." Do you ever get tired getting asked about it?
It's the starting point. I think you always want to move forward. You always—you always want to be excited about what you're doing. If it was ever painted as a negative it would be like, 'Yeah, that's not cool.' But people are talking about it as something they love and it's a history we're proud of.

Do you have a favorite song?
Oh God, it's hard to pick. I mean the last record the two last singles—"Give A Little" and "Thinking 'Bout Somethin'"—those songs I think really resonated with us as a band. Connected it with out roots and the new single "Get the Girl Back." You know, anything that is brand new you're excited to share it.

Is there a certain writing process you guys go by?
It depends. I mean all of us write music and lyrics so we get to combine. It keeps it interesting, so no, there's not just one process. I wish there was! It would make it so much easier. [Laughs]

What would be your second career choice?
I don’t know! I love to take pictures. I love to paint. I love movies and I love to write, so something creative.

Everyone is so used to you guys playing on stage. Is there a specific hobby you all like to do together?
We all—I mean I'm a fan of anything that involves adrenaline. So we just went up for my 30th birthday and we all just did dune buggies in the desert, which was just crazy and risky. But that's part of the fun! We aren't really too good at sports [laughs], but we try to get outside and play sports in between to keep things moving. And also, huge movie fans! We are always gathering around watching movies.

What's your favorite film?
Of all-time? Oh God. Somewhere in between The Godfather and The Goonies.

Those are good choices!
[Laughs] It's all in the G's. 

View original article here.
[Nota en español]

Es difícil escribir ó incluso entrevistar a un miembro de Hanson sin pensar en el tan pegadizo “MMMBop” lanzado en 17 de Abril de 1997. Así que-por esa dificultad-fue incluido dentro de la conversación que tuve recientemente con Taylor Hanson, la cual resultó siendo un día antes del 16° aniversario del lanzamiento de su primer álbum de estudio. Durante nuestra charla, el músico de 30 años me contó cosas como qué es lo que siempre necesita cuando sale de gira, sus canciones favoritas de la banda, y qué les gusta hacer a él y a sus hermanos Zac y Isaac cuando no están grabando en el estudio ó en una gira.
Hanson saldrá de gira mundial en Julio para promocionar su último disco Anthem, disponible en Junio.

Van a salir de gira muy pronto! ¿Cómo fue para ustedes preparar todos los itinerarios?
Es genial! Recién estamos empezando a salir con un nuevo álbum. El último sencillo salió hace muy poco y seguimos con la marcha. Es como una operación militar! [Risas]

Estuviste en la industria de la música por más de 20 años. ¿Cuál es la cosa que nunca puede faltar en el viaje cuando vas de gira?
Soy un poco obsesivo con el café. Así que para mí sería conseguir el café indicado en cada ciudad. Saldría a buscarlo si fuera necesario. También soy fan de la buena comida, y trato de probar las diferentes comidas de cada lugar al que voy. Entonces, en resúmen, buen café y lo que sea que tenga un buen sabor en la rama de la comida. Me gustan los quesos finos también.

Vos y tus hermanos son claramente conocidos por “MMMBop.”¿No te cansa que te pregunten sobre eso?
Es el punto de partida de todo. Yo creo que uno siempre quiere avanzar y moverse hacia adelante. Uno siempre…a uno siempre le gusta estar motivado por lo que hace. Si siempre lo veríamos como algo negativo sería como “Nah, la verdad que no está bueno.” Pero veo que la gente habla de eso como algo que aman y les gusta, y es un pasado del que estamos orgullosos.

¿Tenés alguna canción favorita de la banda?
Uy! Eso es difícil de elegir… Los dos últimos sencillos del disco anterior – “Give A Little” y “Thinking ‘Bout Somethin’” – creo que esas canciones resonaron con nosotros como banda. Conectando eso con nuestras raíces y el nuevo sencillo “Get The Girl Back.” Ya sabés, todo lo que es nuevo, siempre es divertido y emocionante compartirlo con el mundo.

Cuando componen, ¿tienen alguna especie de proceso ó método específico que seguir?
Depende. Me refiero a que, los tres componemos música y escribimos letras así que muchas veces mezclamos las ideas de uno y de otro, de esa manera se mantiene interesante, así que no, no hay sólo un proceso ó método específicos. Ojalá lo hubiera! Haría las cosas mucho más fáciles. [Se ríe]

Si no estuvieras haciendo música, ¿qué elegirías como carrera?
No sé! Me encanta la fotografía. Me encanta pintar. Miro muchas películas y me gusta mucho escribir, así que algo que involucre a la creatividad probablemente.

Todos están acostumbrados a verlos juntos sólo cuando están en el escenario. ¿Tienen algún hobby que les guste hacer en grupo?
Bueno, todos…a los tres nos encanta todo lo que involucre adrenalina, y para mi cumpleaños número 30 hicimos una travesía en cuatriciclos en las dunas, fue una locura, y bastante riesgoso. Pero eso es lo que lo hace divertido! En realidad no somos tan buenos en los deportes [se ríe], pero tratamos de salir y hacer deportes para mantenernos activos. Y también somos fanáticos de las películas! Siempre nos juntamos para ver películas.

¿Cuál es tu película favorita?
¿De todos los tiempos? Es difícil… Algo entre El Padrino (The Godfather) y Los Goonies.

¡Esas son buenas películas!
[Se ríe] Todo está en las “G”s.

Taylor Instagram Photo

taylorhansonmusicTuesday night in austin, @asilentfilm. Rockin it-

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hanson visit Children The One

Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson have come a long way since their MMMBop days, and patients at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas got a taste of the band’s new sound. The brothers will release their sixth studio album ANTHEM in June, followed by a worldwide tour.  They stopped by the Seacrest Studio during a promotional trip to Dallas.
Hanson performed three songs; including, Thinking ‘Bout SomethinWhere’s the Love, and their new single Get the Girl Back. They participated in an interview between songs, including a list of “Hot Seat” questions from patient Allison Wright.  

It’s hard to believe, but the former teen heartthrobs have been a band for nearly 21 years. All three have added “Dad” to their resumes. The youngest brother, Zac, started playing when he was just six years old. “Somebody said, ‘Do you want to sing?’ And I said, ‘Yeah.’ It was just about a love of making music. Obviously, the attention was fun, and going on stage was fun,” said Zac.

The band got its start in Tulsa, Oklahoma where they currently live with their families. They said it’s a challenge balancing family life with a successful music career; however, their passion to perform still exists. “I think we had the dream and the fire to do it, and we still do,” said Taylor. “We feel totally in awe that we get to make this our job.”

When asked if their kids will someday form a group, the trio left the crowd guessing. “Who knows? Music is all around them, and obviously, we all love what we do. So, we support them if they want to do that,” said Zac.

Thanks to Hanson for stopping by the studio and spreading smiles with upbeat tunes. .


Isaac, Taylor y Zac Hanson recorrieron un largo camino desde los días de MMMboop, y los pacientes de Children’s Medical Center of Dallas tuvieron un adelanto del nuevo sonido de la banda. Los hermanos van a lanzar su 6to album de estudio ANTHEM en Junio, seguido por un tour mundial. Ellos pasaron por the Seacrest Studio durante su viaje por Dallas.

Hanson tocó 3 temas, incluidos Thinking ‘Bout Somethin, Where’s the Love, y el nuevo single Get the Girl Back. Ellos participaron en una entrevista entre canciones, incluyendo una lista de preguntas “Hot Seat” de la paciente Allison Wright.

Es duro de creer, pero la ex teen banda de rompecorazones ha sido una banda for casi 21 años. Los tres han añadido "Padre" a sus curriculums, El hermano mas pequeño Zac, empezo a tocar cuando tenia solo 6 años. "Alguien dijo, ´Queres cantar?´ Y yo dije ´Yeah´. Fue solo sobre amar hacer musica. Obviamente la atencion fue divertida, y subir al escenario tambien " Dijo Zac.

La banda empezó en Tulsa Oklahoma donde actualmente viven con sus respectivas familias . Ellos dijeron que es un desafío balancear la vida familiar con una carrera exitosa en la música, sin embargo, su pasion por hacer musica todavia existe. "Creo que tuvimos el sueño y el fuego para hacerlo, y todavia lo tenemos" dijo Taylor "Nos sentimos totalmente impresionados  de que logramos de hacer de esto nuestro trabajo".

Cuando preguntamos su sus hijos formarán algun dia un grupo el grupo dejo al publico adivinar "Quien sabe? La música esta al rededor de ellos, y obviamente, nosotros amamos lo que hacemos. Asi que los apoyaremos si ellos quieren hacer eso" Dijo Zac.

Gracias a Hanson por pasar por el estudio y esparcir sonrisas y melodías alegres. 

Hanson on Kidd Kraddick in the Morning

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hanson performed in the Mazda Music Lounge

Fired Up "Thunder" Anthem

Song from HANSON's new album Anthem.
From Tulsa, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac are huge Thunder fans!
We are using this song/video on our FOX Sports Oklahoma 

Cancion del nuevo album de Hanson Anthem.
De Tulsa, Isaac, Taylor y Zac gran fanaticos de los Thuner!
Estamos usando esta canción/video en FOX Sports Oklahoma

Photo Taylor on Instagram

taylorhansonmusicA snap with our bud @kiddkraddick. Check out the show tomorrow morn.

Hanson Is All Grown Up and Back With a New Album

Hanson on Good Morning Texas playing "Get The Girl Back"

Pre-Orden ANTHEM on iTunes

Pre-Orden ANTHEM on iTunes Here (Only US)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hanson on The Church of Lazlo

Hanson was in Kansas on the show "The Church of Lazlo"
They play the album version of  "Can´t stop us now

Listen the Interview Here:

The Tommy Show 94.7 Interviews Hanson

Radio Interview with Hanson in The Tommy Show 94.7

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hanson Compare Making New Record To Pregnant Women’s Water Breaking

(Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)
Reporting Brad Haynes
Hanson, who will be coming to Orlando for a MIX 105.1 All Access Lounge performance on April 26th (click here to register to win your way in), spoke with Scott McKenzie and the Morning MIX this morning about their upcoming album Anthem. And since the guys are no strangers to the miracle of childbirth (the brothers have 9 children collectively), relating the release of a new album to giving birth only seemed natural.
“There comes a time in your touring cycle where you’ve been working whatever your record has been for some time and everyone says, ‘Yeah…new record,’” Taylor revealed when talking about the decision to put together a new album.
“I’m just sitting here trying to think of a pregnancy analogy,” the father of five then said, “where it’s like, ‘How do you know when it’s time to make a new record?’ Like, when your water breaks?”
“Said like a guy who has kids,” Isaac quickly chimed in. “Everyone else is like, ‘Ooooo…gross!’”
But pregnancy wasn’t the only analogy on the guys’ minds. Photography buffs as well, that came into play as they also spoke about putting together new music for an album.
“There’s a million ways to take a good picture. People that are novice can take a good picture, but the defining difference of a great photographer is he’s really focusing on capturing those moments and framing the subject and really painting a picture that is bigger than simply the quality of the photo,” Taylor elaborated. “There’s a lot of people that can buy gear…it’s another thing to know how to really maximize it and use it.”
But what does that have to do with songwriting? “A great song should be good recorded many different ways and I think that’s probably the most important thing,” Taylor explained.
The first single from Anthem, “Get The Girl Back,” has a very distinct 60s soul sound to it, and that’s no fluke. “It’s been a huge inspiration for us from the very beginning, early 60s R&B, Motown, you know, soul music,” Isaac said. “It was always a huge influence on us.” And that style of music worked as a good bridge for the band in transitioning from their last album, Shout It Out, to the more rock-based, anthemic feel of Anthem.

Hanson - Cut Right Through Me (Live on Top 20 Countdown)

Hanson on Fuse Tv Interview

Thank u so much to all the girls who send the video to us, so we can see the answers of our question!
We can thank u enough! You all are amazing! ♥

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Backstage Photoshoot with Taylor, Zac & Isaac before their #iHeartRadioLIVE performance tonight!

Hanson on Bestweekever

Things are going to get a little crazy on Friday. Hanson are some crazy dudes

Nikki Reed Friends With Hanson

E!’s Marc Malkin gets the “Twilight” beauty to spill the beans on how she turned her hardcore devotion to Hanson into an actual friendship!

source: eonline

Hanson Channels AC/DC, Queen In New Album

VH1 Save The Music Foundation Presents: Family Day

By Spike Eskin

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – From “MMMBop” to “Back In Black.”
Hanson, the band that exploded into music and pop culture in 1997 with the #1 hit and Grammy winning song “MMMBop,” is turning 21 this year, and with that comes a new musical direction.
“I mean the record definitely is very anthemic, very big,” Isaac Hanson said of the band’s new album Anthem, set for release on June 18th. It’s the band’s first album since 2010′s Shout It Out. “But in addition to that I think this is the first record that we can honestly say a few of the tracks really pull heavily from AC/DC type of influences.”
“Which is always a good thing,” Zach Hanson said. “It’s never bad when you say, ‘ok, what would be an awesome Queen lyric that we wish they wrote, that we could try and write right now.’”
“Exactly. So whether it’s something like Queen or something lie AC/DC, there are some big rock anthem type songs. Which may surprise the non-Hanson fan and the Hanson fan alike,” Isaac added.
Though the band’s biggest hit was their first one, Hanson has managed to stay successful and grow through the years. Anthem will be their seventh full-length album, and then band regularly sells out most of their shows. They’re playing three nights in New York on their upcoming tour, and two nights in Chicago. They’re playing the TLA on South St. on November 7th.
The live show was something the band considered when they were writing the new album.
“There was immediately a feeling that we wanted to be more anthemic,” Zach said.  “And sort of make a record that had, sort of, almost of writing for the live experience. Writing for when that crowd interaction happens. Writing for, writing the fans’ part in there. ‘Here’s this song, and this is what the fans sing.’”
The first single from Anthem, “Get The Girl Back,” has a Motown feel, which dominated 2010′s Shout It Out.
“‘Get The Girl Back,’ is the perfect bridge from Shout It Out,” Taylor Hanson said. “I mean honestly, that was the decision. We really put a lot of energy into reasserting that side of ourselves with Shout It Out. And a lot of the record actually takes a different turn. But we really liked the idea of sort of bridging the gap between where we left off, and sort of drawing people into what this record is going to offer, which is actually sort of guitar driven. There’s a lot of guitar that makes a serious comeback on this record. So when you first play the first track on the album itself, you’re going to definitely get a different feel than the single. Which is sort of like, we put the piano away for a minute, and we grabbed the B3 and turned up the guitar.”
“[Anthem's] got a little more edge to it, it’s got a little more fire, and get the girl back is sort of the gateway drug,” Zach added.
“It’s intense,” Isaac said.
While the band has moved on, many people still see the kids from the “MMMBop” video from 16 years ago, and the band is more than aware of that fact.
“Wait, you’re in Hanson? You’re not dead already?,” Zach said.
“We actually started a non profit for those people who are confused about time. We can them time missers. We get them watches,” Taylor said. “I think one of the things that’s really unique about this story, about our band, and hopefully as this story becomes one where we are eventually the guys in ZZ Top with beards walking around on stage down the line, is that crazy introduction with that smash song, that reaches far beyond music and sort of into pop culture almost. And so what you get with that, the negative side, is you get all kinds of people who would never buy your music, know about who you are, know about you. The same way somebody knows about a brand, or a drink or something. So because of that awareness you have those people who are aware, but were never going to be fans. You were never going to sell a record or a ticket to that person, so that just comes with the package. The thing that you have to do is focus on the people who always were fans and have always been the music listeners.”
The band’s 21 years together hasn’t been without challenges, Isaac says.
“I can say that there are two points that I think of [where I thought we might quit]. One is the Underneath period when we had to fight it out with label that didn’t sign us in the first place, but they saw dollar signs.”
The band made a documentary called Strong Enough To Break about that fight, and the subsequent release of 2004′s Underneath.
“And then we ended up leaving them and starting our own label. And then the other one, honestly was the beginning of [Anthem]. There was a legitimate point, right at the beginning of the record when everybody was really on edge, and we were not sure whether we were going to get to the point of making the record.”
You can watch the video for “Get The Girl Back,” pre-order Anthem, and buy tickets to their upcoming tour at HANSON.NET.
Follow Spike on Twitter @SpikeEskin
